Place the divider plate up to bottom of the
unit base pan firmly. The foam tape on the di
vider plate must seal to bottom of base pan.
See (FIG. 18).
FIG. 18
Push Divider Plate Firmly
Onto Base Pan
d. With slight pressure push the divider plate
against the double-sided tape on the ceiling
Locate the 1/8″ x 7″ x 18″ self-adhesive insu
lation supplied with the RAG kit. Remove the
backing paper from the insulation and care-
fully stick onto the ceiling template divider
plate. See (FIG. 19).
FIG. 19
Foam Tape
Place Insulation In Position
(Do Not Cover Unit Rating Plate)
Divider Plate
Excess width is intended to seal the di-
vider plate to the sides of the roof open-
ing. This is to help prevent cold air dis-
charge from circulating into the unit return
air opening.
If the insulation is too high, stick excess
height of the insulation to the unit base
pan. Do not cover up unit rating plate.
f. Place the electronic control box on the ceil-
ing template with the white 6 pin plug on the
curb side of the RV. Do
attach at this
FIG. 16
Front Of Vehicle
Tighten To
Gasket To
6. Installation Of Divider Plate
a. Measure the ceiling to roof thickness:
● If distance is 2.0″ - 3-3/4″, remove perfo
rated tab from divider plate. See (FIG. 17).
● If distance is 3-3/4″ - 5-1/2, remove no
b. Remove the backing paper from double-
sided tape located on ceiling template. See
(FIG. 17).
FIG. 17
Paper Backing
2.00″ - 3.75″
Divider plate
be in-
stalled correctly. Incorrect installation could
cause compressor to quick-cycle, and could
result in supply circuit overload and reduced
product performance.
The adhesive on the double-sided
tape is extremely sticky. Make sure
the divider plate is properly positioned
before pressing into place.