400 /
425 /
450 /
Dolphin Blue
This tap was supplied with a Self Adjusting
Sensor. The ideal detection range for the specific location will be set
Only if necessary
, use the remote control to adjust the
sensor range as follows:
Press the RANGE button. Wait until a quick flashing of the red light of
the sensor eye is perceived. Then, press + to increase the one level and
– to reduce it every push will increase or decrease one level.
Once you have changed the detection range with the remote
control, this distance will be remembered by the sensor, even if the
power source is disconnected. To get back to the self adjustment mode,
use the ADJ button only.
E N T R A N C E TO T H E S E L F A D J U S T M E N T M O D E :
Check that no objects are in front of the sensor. Press the ADJ button.
Once a quick flashing of the red light of the sensor eye is perceived,
remove your hand holding the remote control and move away from the
sensor area. The ideal sensor range for the specific location will be set
automatically. Once the self adjustment has taken place the solenoid
valve will be opened and closed for 1 second as an indication that the
ideal sensor range was set and the product is ready for use.
S E C U R I T Y T I M E :
The Security time, prevents continuous running
of water due to reflections or vandalism. By default, if the sensor
is covered for more than 90 seconds the water flow will shut
automatically. To resume regular operation any obstruction must be
Press the SEC button. Wait until a quick flashing of the red light of the
sensor eye is perceived. Then, press +to increase the security time and -
to reduce it.