Setup Guidelines
Take care in removing packaging
from each roll. Using a sharp
object such as a utility knife can
damage mat if it cuts through
packaging material. Once the
outer packaging has been carefully
removed from each roll, the mats
should be placed on their side
(fig. 1).
Unfasten the straps around the
mat (fig. 2). Store straps for future
use. DO NOT discard.
Unroll the mats so that the carpet
side is now facing up (fig. 3).
Notice the way the mats are rolled,
carpet side facing in. This is how
the mats should be rolled for
storage and transport.
Once all of the rolls have been
rolled out, push them together to
form one large mat surface (fig. 4).
DO NOT kick the edge of the rolls
to position them.
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4