User Information
999817902 - 10/2022
Safety Guidelines and Safe Use
Ensure that you follow your Company’s safe systems
of work at all times.
Ensure that your staff erecting, dismantling or modi-
fying any Ringlock scaffold are licensed to carry out
the task.
Ensure that all persons erecting, dismantling or mod-
ifying the scaffold structure are working to the latest
version of the applicable standards and current leg-
Ensure all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is
suitable and sufficient and worn as appropriate.
Consideration should also be given as to where addi-
tional hazards may be present whilst scaffolding
operations are taking place, such as overhead power
cables, roadways, schools and if public protection is
required, if the scaffold is to be sheeted, who is
responsible for the design.
Ringlock scaffold structures are recommended to be
inspected and recorded:
- Prior to being put into use for the first time
- After any alteration or adverse weather
- After any event likely to affect its stability
- Regular intervals as per site requirements or
Company procedures but generally not exceed-
ing 30 days
Access and egress should be considered as early as
practicable, for both the scaffold operatives and the
end user in mind. Ladders should be used by the
scaffolders when erecting, modifying or dismantling
any Ringlock scaffold. Ledgers and brace compo-
nents etc. must not be used as a means of support.
Ensure that access and egress routes including lad-
ders and stairways, are kept clear.
Below is the hierarchy of measures to consider when
selecting methods to prevent a person falling at
access and egress points:
- Install staircases
- Install ladder Access Bays with Single Lift Lad-
- Install ladder Access Bays with Multiple Lift Lad-
- Install internal ladder access with protection i.e.
ladder trap/handrails etc.
- Install external ladder access using the Ringlock
adjustable Swing Gate
Employers have an obligation to ensure that Work at
Height is::
- Properly planned
- Appropriately supervised
- Done in a safe manner 'so far as is reasonably
- Include planning for emergencies & rescue
- Weather conditions do not jeopardise health and
Before allowing people or materials on the Ringlock
scaffold, ensure that it has been erected correctly
and complies with the specified requirements and all
applicable legislation.
Ensure that all people using the Ringlock scaffold
are aware of the purpose for which it is intended to
be used and the maximum loading to which it can be
Ensure users understand that any unauthorised
modification to the Ringlock scaffold or removal of
components could cause a safety hazard. Alteration
or extensions should be carried out only by a
licensed person.
Provide barriers and warning notices to prevent
access to incomplete sections of scaffolding.
Do not overload and ensure that crane and forklift
drivers understand loading restrictions on each part
of the scaffold structure.
Because of the increased use of mechanical lifting
plant on site there is an increased possibility for scaf-
folding components to become fouled/caught. When
using cranes or other mechanical lifting devices near
any Ringlock scaffold care should be taken to ensure
that nothing catches under any part of the scaffold.
Otherwise uplift could occur with potentially danger-
ous consequences.
Pigtail Pins/ Toggle Pins or Standard Leg Locks are
available to positively fix standards together if your
Method Statement/Risk Assessment indicates that
uplift cannot be eliminated.
Scaffold access should be secured when not in use
to prevent unauthorised access onto scaffolding.
Ladders should be kept in a storage compound or
Consider enclosing the base of the scaffolding to
prevent climbing, especially near occupied prem-
Consider the environment particularly with respect to
pedestrian and vehicle movements.
If you are in any doubt regarding any information con-
tained within this Safety Manual and User Guide,
please contact your local Doka representative.