Adjustable Collar:
Your receiver comes fitted to an adjustable nylon collar. The
collar should be positioned above the dog’s regular collar. The collar should be
adjusted to insure that the contact posts touch the skin on the dog’s neck. Check the
fit for the first few days of wear to insure that the collar is not too tight or causing
irritation to your pet’s neck.
To help prevent irritation of the skin, we recommend
removing the collar at night while your pet is inside.
Digital FM Design:
Our patented FM design allows the DogWatch
receiver to recognize and activate only to our unique radio signal. This protects your
pet from unintentional correction caused by stray radio signals which may be emitted
by other electronic devices.
Our patented AutoMemory feature automatically adjusts the
correction level of the receiver when your pet challenges the boundary. When the
receiver is set to one of the AutoMemory levels, and the dog enters the signal field,
the dog will receive the correction of the initial setting. If your dog leaves the signal
field, the receiver will automatically advance the correction level setting by one, and
only one level. If the dog does not re-enter the signal field within the next 24-hour
period, the receiver defaults to the original setting. The AutoMemory feature operates
when your Receiver Training Level is set to 4, 5, or 6.
Whether your dog, strolls, runs or sprints into the Avoidance
Zone, the receiver will react — and correct — within 1/8 of a second (.125).
Automatic Shutdown:
The DogWatch system is designed to protect your dog from
an over-correction in the unlikely event that your dog gets caught in the signal field. If
your dog does not exit the signal field, the receiver will automatically stop correcting
after 15 seconds — protecting your dog from over-correction. The receiver will
automatically reset once the dog leaves the signal field.
Collar Bone:
The Collar Bone, metal lock washers and contact posts fasten the
receiver to the nylon collar. (A CollarBone is not used with the GentleFit
Receiver Features
Battery Cap Tool
Contact Post Wrench
Test Light
Metal Lock Washer
Collar Bone
Training Level Adjustment Location
Status Light
3.6 Volt Battery (R9)
Battery Cap
The lightweight radio receiver worn by the dog identifies the coded FM radio signal from
the boundary wire. It creates an audible warning followed by stimulation if he comes too
close to the boundary wire. It operates on a replaceable battery and is
waterproof when the battery cap is securely fastened.
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