8. When your dog enters the Avoidance Zone,
he will receive an audible “beep” (or vibration)
warning. Immediately yell, “Watch out!” and
quickly tug on the leash and direct him back
into the Safety Zone and praise.
9. Repeat several times in different locations
(where flags are visible) and watch for
hesitation as you approach the flags. Your
dog may turn or shake his head when he
hears the beep (or feels the vibration).
Remember: Playtime is very important!
Praise and play with your dog in the Safety Zone
for a few minutes. Take your dog inside and
remove the DogWatch receiver collar after about
20 minutes. Train your dog in this manner for a
least two days before moving on to Phase 2.
PHASE 2 (2-5 days)
Introduction to Correction
1. Put the DogWatch receiver collar on your
dog at least 20 minutes before going outside
to train.
2. Clip on the green DogWatch training lead
and take your dog outside and play a few
minutes in the Safety Zone.
3. Walk around the complete perimeter, remaining inside the Safety Zone. Pause a
few times along the way to slap a flag and yell, “Watch out!” or “Careful!”
4. Your dealer has set the receiver to the training level appropriate for your dog and
has helped you introduce your dog to correction. Phase Two will help reinforce
your dog’s new boundary and the consequences if he crosses the training flags.
Select a new location to teach your dog today. Allow your dog to walk into the
Avoidance Zone while saying the negative command. When your dog retreats out
of the Avoidance Zone after he hears the warning “beep”, praise him for a few
minutes in the Safety Zone. Select another location and repeat the exercise.
If your dog does not react to the correction, first check to be sure the contact posts
are touching the dog’s skin. If your dog still does not respond to the correction, con
tact your dealer.
Remember: Keep the training sessions to no longer than 20 minutes, once or twice a day.
5. After training, praise your dog and play with him in the Safety Zone for a few
minutes, bring your dog into the house and remove the DogWatch collar after
about 20 minutes.
It is important not to remove the receiver collar immediately following the
training as you do not want your dog to associate the receiver collar with the
GIve a quick tug and a warning at the flags
Give a verbal warning at the flags
Careful! Watch out!
NOTE: In the remainder of the Training section, if you have a receiver equipped with
feature: hear the audible “beep” = feel the vibration.