Extra black
Mobil black
13 DÖRR GmbH
• Postfach 1280 • 89202 Neu-Ulm/Germany • Fon +49 731 97037-0 • Fax +49 731 97037-37 • [email protected]
Here you can specify the recipient telephone number and email addresses.
You can enter up to 4 phone numbers and email addresses.
Note: The more receivers are added, the longer takes the transmission! Please separate the individual
numbers and addresses with a semicolon „;“.
Enter your mobile phone number without country code, e.g. 0160 1234567. At least one number has to be set.
Rename and Max Size
It is possible to enter a name for the camera. Under Rename a name can be entered using up to 8 characters.
The name appears on each image.
Before sending, the image files will be scaled down due to the transfer speed. The image size can be selected
from 60 KB to 120 KB.
The camera can be controlled by SMS commands from a mobile phone. For example you can switch the camera from photo to video mode, request a real-time
image or the location, change phone numbers and email addresses in the recipients list.
Turn on the SMS function
To use this feature, please select “ON” for “SMS switch”
in the Operator parameters.
The command number is „Phone number 1“. This number has the right to change saved
phone numbers (numbers 2, 3, and 4) and email addresses. All stored numbers can execute
the commands according to the following list, in order to control the camera.
An answer whether changes were made or message about camera location (if requested) will
be always sent to the mobile phone number, which requested it.
Instruction Manual
List of SMS commands
Add telephone number
(Number) added
Delete telephone number
(Number) deleted
Add Email address
#141#1#Email address#
(Email address) added
Delete Email address
#141#0#Email address#
(Email address) deleted
Photo Modus
The current mode is photo
Video Modus
The current mode is video
Request real-time image
Real-time picture via GPRS or MMS
Request location
Location via text message
Picture transmission On
GSM is waked up
Picture transmission Off
GSM enters sleeping mode
Request real-time image
With SMS #500# the camera takes a real-time image and sends it immediately to the stored receivers according to the settings. This process can take a few minutes.
If set to GPRS transmission, picture will be sent to your email address.
Request location
With SMS #510# the longitude and latitude degrees is reported, based on where the camera is located at the moment of the shot. The data is based and transmitted via the
network operator and are therefore may not be very accurate. A text message with location of camera will be sent to the mobile phone number which has sent the request.
Picture transmission On/Off
With SMS #200#Off# the image transmission is turned off. During this time pictures are stored on SD card, but not transmitted via MMS or GPRS. By sending command
#200#ON# the transmission will be continued.
If you sent a wrong SMS command, you will receive a text message showing „command is invalid“. During picture transmission or while executing other commands,
you will receive text message showing „command is busy.“
Enter mobile phone number
without country code
Enter email address