Transmits the current edit buffer or selected preset via MIDI system exclusive. Use the Value knob to
select the Edit Buffer or any Preset memory, and then press the Value knob to transmit the data. The display
will show a series of moving dots to show transmission is taking place, followed by READY ! when completed.
Enables any output assignment to be copied to any other output. Use the Output knob to select the
sources output and the Value knob to select the destination output. Press the Value knob to do the copy. The
display will show READY ! when completed to confirm copy has taken place.
Allows any two output assignments to swapped over, the above example would put the contents of
output 1 into output 2 and the contents that were in output 2 into output 1. Pressing the Value knob initiates the
exchange, the display will show READY ! when completed.
Initializes the selected output settings to a default setting, as shown in the table below:-
Se n d E d i t b./ P r e s
Sy s E x - > : E d i t b u f .
Co p y
: O u t p u t 0 1
: O u t p u t 0 2
Ex c h a n g : O u t p u t 0 1
wi t h
: O u t p u t 0 2
In i t
: O u t p u t 0 1
OK ?
- > : P r e s s