Selects the source for the modulation. The options are Controllers, Mono aftertouch, Pitch Bend and
Poly Aftertouch. Midi Events 2 ~ 6 are the same as Midi Event 1 parameters.
Selects the Midi channel of the modulation source. Note that each of the 6 modulation routings each
have their own Midi channel.
Selects the Controller Number or the Poly Aftertouch note that is used as the modulation source. The
controller options are the same as in previous menu’s.
Selects the destination that the modulation input is routed to, this can be: ADSR Attack time, ADSR
Decay Time, ADSR Sustain Level, ADSR Release Time, ADSR Depth, LFO Depth, Slew Rate Time and
unused - which is reserved for future expansion.
Mi d i E v 1 : O u t p u t 0 1
is : C o n t r o l l e r
Mi d i E v 1 : O u t p u t 0 1
Mi d i c h a n n e l : 0 0 1
Mi d i E v 1 : O u t p u t 0 1
Nr .
: M o d u l a t i o n
Mi d i E v 1 : O u t p u t 0 1
-- - > : A D S R A t t a c k