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10653 River Front Parkway

South Jordan, UT  84095



Rev A - 2/16




1/4” TS Unbalanced  -  500 kΩ



1/4” TS Unbalanced  -  1 kΩ

Current Draw  

4 mA



True Bypass



9VDC alkaline battery (not included)




HARMAN PS0913DC power adapter (optional)




1 Year

gain and attack characteristics become less-responsive to volume changes and more 

aggressive fuzz tones are available - All the way up to strange sputtering synthy horn-

like tones.

In most uses the Carcosa’s HI-CUT control will rarely go above noon, the rest of the HI-

CUT travel is meant to make up for loss of attack and the extreme sag caused by higher 

bias (AFTER) settings.

A final general rule is that we have found that adjusting the BEFORE and AFTER controls 

in opposite directions can yield a wide array of immediately controllable tones.  For 

example if you set the BEFORE control @ 3:00, set the AFTER control @ 9:00, or vice 

versa.  But don’t be afraid to experiment, some fantastically horrific sounds can be 

found in the extremes

Most guitarists/bassists will favor placing the Carcosa at the beginning of their chain of 

effects, so start with that placement.

A typical effects signal chain will consist of Distortion and Fuzz effects first then 

Modulation effects (Chorus, Flanger, Phaser, Tremolo, etc...) next and then finally Time 

based effects (Delay and Reverb).

Placing the Carcosa toward the front of your chain or effects will preserve the vibe no 

matter the pedal combination that follows.  That being said you may wish to experiment 

with different effect placements.
