Configurating the LookUp
DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4
DMX-channel has values between 0
offers 1024 steps (0 up to 1023) which will be assigned to the DMX
So, it is possible to effect small steps in
range) for lower brightness
range it is possible to program bigger steps in the output current.
A PC connection cable and a USB connector on the PC are required for
communication with the DMX LE
Connect the cable with the PC and the PC
DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4.
Adjust the switch 1-
The definition for the LookUp
There is a table with DMX values 0
every output. A graphically representation illustrates the output characteristic.
For transferring the table into the D
a USB-connection is necessary. Please connect the cable with the PC and the
PC-CTRL-connection from the DMX
OFF and switch 9 and 10 on ON to get into the PC
to transfer the table
During an activated PC
DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4
Configurating the LookUp-table
Dimmer BB4
has a LookUp-table for every output. The received
channel has values between 0-255. The DMX-LED-Dimmers output driver
offers 1024 steps (0 up to 1023) which will be assigned to the DMX-
small steps in the output currents (in the bottom brightnes
changings. On the other hand, in the higher brightness
range it is possible to program bigger steps in the output current.
A PC connection cable and a USB connector on the PC are required for
communication with the DMX LED dimmer BB4.
Connect the cable with the PC and the PC-CTRL-connector from the
Dimmer BB4.
8 on OFF and switch 9 and 10 on ON to get into the
he LookUp-table takes place via the software PC-
values 0-255 and the associated output values for
every output. A graphically representation illustrates the output characteristic.
For transferring the table into the DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4 a connecting cable and
nection is necessary. Please connect the cable with the PC and the
connection from the DMX-LED-Dimmer BB4. Adjust the switch 1
OFF and switch 9 and 10 on ON to get into the PC-mode.
to transfer the table for the displayed output.
During an activated PC mode there must be no DMX signal !
The received
immers output driver
the output currents (in the bottom brightness
in the higher brightness
A PC connection cable and a USB connector on the PC are required for
connector from the
8 on OFF and switch 9 and 10 on ON to get into the
255 and the associated output values for
every output. A graphically representation illustrates the output characteristic.
Dimmer BB4 a connecting cable and
nection is necessary. Please connect the cable with the PC and the
Dimmer BB4. Adjust the switch 1-8 on