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DIP Switch
LFP (link fault pass through) means the link fault on local side media
converter will be passed to the media converter on the remote side.
For instance if the media converter on the local side has the TP link
loss, the media converter will disconnect the link of transmit on
fiber. On the remote side, the media converter will know there is
the linkage error and also disconnect the TP link. The LFP function
can immediately alarm network administrators of a link problem.
The LFP function includes the LLCF(link loss carry forward) and LLR
(Link loss return) function.
When the TP line of the media converter loses the link, the media
converter’s fiber will disconnect the link of transmit, so that the
other side media converter will know that there is a link error. When
the media converter’s fiber line loses the link, the converter’s TP will
disconnect, and the media converter on the other side will know
that there is a link problem. LLR(Link loss return) means when
there is a device (Ethernet switch or router) connected to the media
converter and the fiber line loses the link, the media converter’s
fiber will disconnect the transmit link.