V-4010B-I Indoor/Outdoor HD Video Camera Installation Guide
Digital Monitoring Products
Activating a Camera through SecureCom Wireless
Once communication has been established, a camera can be activated
at vk.securecomwireless.com.
1. Login with your dealer login information at vk.securecomwireless.
com and choose the correct customer.
2. Enable video on the Customer’s system by clicking the edit button
to the right of the account number of that system (Figure 8).
This takes you to the system editing screen (Figure 9). Enable video by
checking the Video checkbox and the Video Verification checkbox also
displays. Click Save and the System Information screen displays.
3. From the System Information screen, press Add New Camera. The
New Camera screen (Figure 10) displays to enter the following
The camera name that displays in the user’s app as well as the
video feed. This can be 16 characters long.
Server Name or MAC Address:
This information can be found on the
back of the camera. If the MAC Address is listed, the 12 characters
that can be entered in this field. If the Server Name is listed, the 8
characters beginning with SC can be entered in this field.
Time Zone:
Select the time zone of the camera location. This is used to
indicate times of the clips.
Flip Image?:
Select Yes if the camera image needs to be inverted due to
the mounting position of the camera.
Enable Clips to allow this camera to record motion-triggered
video clips to the SecureCom Video server.
Choose Off if you only want this camera to offer a live camera
view through the Virtual Keypad app.
Choose On if you want this camera to record video clips
any time it detects motion.
Choose Only When Armed if you want the camera to
record motion-triggered clips only when the system is
armed. When the system is disarmed no clips will be
recorded. This option displays when NO is selected in
Record on alarm.
Choose Scheduled if you want the camera to record
motion-triggered clips using a time schedule. This
allows you to add a schedule. You can choose to add one
schedule for each day, or you can choose ‘Everyday’ or
Record on alarm:
When YES is selected the DMP video camera will
record video clips continuously during the first minute after the system is
in alarm.
Shortest Time Between Video Clips:
Each DMP video camera can record
a video clip as frequently as every 0 minutes (no pause between clips).
To change from the 3-minute default, you can choose the 4 ,5, or 15
minute option.
Once you have chosen the desired settings, clicking Save begins the
activation process for this camera. You will see a status of ‘Activating’
next to the camera name. Press the refresh button to display the
latest status. When the camera is active and communicating with the
SecureCom Video Server, it will have a status of Active.
Figure 8: Customer Information Screen
Figure 9: System Editing Screen
Figure 10: New Camera Screen