Simultaneous generation of altitude, airspeed and AoA.
Simultaneous generation of altitude and airspeed, allowing the AoA ports to be used as
additional static ports.
Generation of altitude rate (climb or dive) (feet/min).
Generation of airspeed rate (increasing or decreasing) (knots/min).
Generation of static (Ps) pressure rate (climb or dive) (hPa/min).
Generation of dynamic (Qc) pressure rate (increasing or decreasing) (hPa/min).
Generation of total (Pt) pressure rate (increasing or decreasing) (hPa/min).
Generation of angle of attack (Pd2) rate (increasing or decreasing) (hPa/min).
Generation of Mach number.
Generation of Engine Pressure Ratio (E.P.R.) as Pt / Ps ratio.
Leakage test.
Automatic Vent to ambient pressure.
Maximum LIMIT set values: the ADTS permits the simple setting of maximum values
(limits) to which the unit can operate. It is supplied at the time of delivery with the
following default values set by the manufacturer:
Max altitude: 50,000 feet.
Min. altitude: -1,500 feet.
Max. airspeed: 450 knots.
Max vertical speed: 3,000 feet/min.
Set airspeed rate: 300 kt/min.
Max. Mach number: 1.
Max AoA: ± 2.5 inHg.
Low battery mode, allowing only pressure measurement and return to ambient
Automatic safety protection avoids negative Qc values (Ps < Pt) in airspeed and Qc
control modes.
Range: from -7,500 to 80,000 feet.
Resolution: 1 foot
± 3 feet
@ sea level;
± 7 feet
@ 30,000 feet;
± 18 feet
@ 50,000 feet.
Vertical speed:
Range: from 0 to 50,000 feet/min.
The maximum value depends on the volume of the pneumatic load.
Resolution: 5 feet/min below 1,500 feet/min, 1 foot/min on request.
Accuracy: ± 1% of reading.
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