Dixie Grinders Inc. does not supply motor
controls, starters, stop/start stations,
disconnects, or other related equipment that is
required to control the function of the grinder
The machine can be installed in its permanent position
after the skidding has been removed. Use only
adequate equipment and properly trained personnel to
install the grinder in its permanent position. Use great
care in moving this equipment, it is heavy and must
not be tipped, tilted, jarred or jammed into position.
We recommend a 1° slope to allow water to drain from
the grinder unit.
We recommend serious consideration is given to
the location of the start/stop station.
We strongly recommend that additional stop
stations are located where deemed appropriate.
Disconnects that can be locked out should be so
located that employees that have to operate,
service, and sanitize the unit can lock the unit
out. Each employee that has to work on this
machine should be given a lock and key and
trained in proper procedures for LOCK
Please consult with your Safety Engineer, your
Electrical Engineer, and O.S.H.A. for all
regulations related to the controls and wiring
for this machine.
We do not recommend the use of wye-delta or
star delta starters. In some areas this is
required. If your machine must be wired this
way the operators must understand that they
cannot begin to grind product until full power is
supplied to the grinder feedscrew. If there is
product in the grinder hopper before the unit is
turned on, the grinder may not have enough
torque to start grinding in the reduced torque
Frequency controllers are very useful, but with
the exception of a grinder connected directly to
a pump unit or mechanical deboner, the use of a
frequency controller on a grinder unit is usually
not necessary. We do recommend a frequency
controller or some form of speed control is used
to feed the grinder, and often to take the
product away from the grinder.
We do not recommend remote operation of any
grinder unit unless special precautions are
taken, and that all possibilities of employee
injury are eliminated.