With the inserts out, inspect the slots. Every
knifholder has a pin that lines up with a
notch in the knife insert. If the inserts are
removed incorrectly these pins can be
broken. Send your knifeholder with broken
pins to Dixie Grinders Inc. for repair.
Inspect the knifeholder arms. When small
pieces of tramp metal are ground, often the
tips of the knifeholder become peaned shut.
With a small file, or burr grinder, these can
be opened up. Larger pieces of metal may
bend the arms clockwise at the tips. Inspect
the arms where they are connected to the hub
of the knife, if there are any signs of
cracking, throw the knife away immediately.
Examine the knife inserts. The edge of the
insert should be free of burrs, Be carefull,
the inserts are sharp!
As explained on page 14, inserting the
pointed end of our insert remover into the
slot of the knifeholder provides a quick and
easy way to remove the knife inserts.
Removing them in this manner minimizes
damage to the insert locating pins found in
the bottom of the insert slots in the
knifeholder. We recommend starting with
fresh inserts at every plate change! This
includes when turning the plate around.