Use of this manual
This is the Liberty Heavy rebreather manual .The manual only deals with the specifics of the
Heavy version of Liberty and is only a manual supplementing the basic functions and controls
described in the Liberty main manual . Operation of bailout rebreather mode features is
described in the stand-alone Bailout standby mode manual .
To understand the full functionality of the device, read the CCR Liberty main manual.
The Liberty Heavy is intended for use exclusively by a trained person who is capable of fully
understanding the instructions contained in this manual or is in the process of training with
the Liberty Heavy in a course accredited by the manufacturer . .
Responsibility of the Liberty Heavy user
Strong emphasis was placed on reliability during the development of the CCR Liberty Heavy .
Individual internal parts are separated in order to minimize the impact that failure of a given
part may have on the rebreather’s basic functionality . A number of systems have multiple
backups . The logic of the Liberty Heavy’s control never prohibits the start of a dive even in the
event that malfunctions are detected; it only indicates the status if able to do so in light of the
damage . When cave diving, the inability to submerge can mean not being able to return from
a dive; therefore, the Liberty Heavy does not impede submersion .
The user must always decide responsibly whether he/she switches to a backup apparatus or
even starts a dive with a partially malfunctioning rebreather .
A Liberty Heavy user must accept the fact that diving involves risk . Following everything that
the user has learned in the Liberty Heavy’s technical documentation and in training on diving
with this rebreather can reduce the risk but cannot eliminate it . Safety when diving is further
improved by regular training, methodical education and following good diving practices . Diving
with a rebreather requires a far higher degree of carefulness and discipline than diving with an
open-circuit apparatus .
Summary of Contents for LIBERTY HEAVY