My Pet Game:
To access the Pet game, from the
Child’s Home screen, tap on the pet
at the bottom left of the page.
After selecting this game, tap on
the picture of the pet at the top left.
User can look through the pet’s information: name, gender, portrait, total
playing time, and levels (hunger,
clean, health, and mood).
Keys to the Game:
• When health level is 0, the pet
will not learn or play games.
• When the hunger level and
stored value are 0, every two
minutes one piece of food will be sent.
• When you touch the pet, its body will move.
How to Play:
: Tap to select foods to feed the pet
: Tap to enter the bathroom to bathe the pet
: Tap to play game
: Tap for study time
: Tap to customize pet
: Tap the camera icon to snap a pet picture
: Tap to provide help