12. Storage and care
When rinsing the bike with a shower, please do so with the bike standing.
Please avoid washing bike in a state where the bike is laid down or upside down, and
avoid high pressure washing.
Heat speeds deterioration of the lithium ion battery. Please store indoors in cool area.
Especially avoid storage in the bike during the summer season.
Throttle is a non-disassemble item.
If sand etc. gets in and it does not move smoothly, please consult your authorized dealer.
When in storage for an extended period, please charge the battery to about half full and
store it avoiding high temperature and humidity areas.
This will delay battery degradation.
When opening the bottom cover to remove water and sand, please do not insert / remove
the battery connector which has the possibility of leading to a serious accident.
Do not allow oil such as wax to adhere to the brake. This leads to lower braking function.
- Since the motor is waterproofed, it can not be disassembled. Please do not disassemble.
Maintenance is basically unnecessary due to the brushless motor.
- Never disassemble, penetrate, incinerate, crush, short circuit the battery.
Doing so may cause serious accidents such as a fire. Also, please do not store in areas
where temperatures reach higher than 60 degrees.