© 2 0 0 4 d i re c t e d e l e c t ro n i c s , i n c .
transmitter configurations
Your Intelliguard 950 system has a 5-button and 4-button remote con-
trol. Your system can accept up to 2 additional remotes. Each remote
can be used to control the various standard features and options of
your system as shown in the following pages.
nnoottee:: This manual describes the features and accessories that are
included with your system along with information about compatible
Clifford accessories that are not included. For a list of included acces-
sories, please refer to the What Is Included section of this manual.
Boot Release or
Optional Accessory
Output Button
Remote Start or
Accessory Output
Accessory Output
4-Button Transmitter
Arm/Disarm Button
Boot Release or
Optional Accessory
Output Button
Remote Start or
Accessory Output
Silent Arm/Disarm or
Accessory Output
Shift Button
5-Button Transmitter