system maintenance
The Intelliguard 950 requires no specific maintenance. Your transmitter
is powered by a miniature 3V lithium battery that will last approximate-
ly one year under normal use. When the battery weakens, operating
range will be reduced and the system will provide a low battery warn-
ing chirp indication when disarming.
your warranty
It is necessary to retain your sales receipt, which reflects that the prod-
uct was installed by an authorised dealer. For full details regarding your
warranty coverage, please refer to the consumer warranty section of
this guide.
nnoottee:: Making changes to the existing system will invalidate the certifi-
cate of installation.
nnoottee:: The Installation Certificate must be completed by your installer at
the authorised dealer. Other than the remote controls, this system has no
user-serviceable parts. Your authorised dealer can correct any system
wiring problems and, if needed, can return any malfunctioning compo-
nent to Directed Electronics for repair/replacement under the terms of
the Limited Lifetime Warranty printed at the beginning of this guide.
nnoottee:: Your system MUST be installed by an Authorised dealer in accor-
dance with the instructions we supply them. The Clifford Intelliguard
950 system is designed to be installed in any petrol or common rail
diesel vehicle with a 12-volt battery.