6.0 L
Should any consumer product from DirectConnect
fail due to defects in mate-
rials or workmanship within two years from the date of the original sale to the
end-user, DirectConnect
guarantees replacement of the defective product at
no cost. Freight charges for the replacement unit will be paid by the customer.
A copy of the invoice showing the item number and date of purchase (proof-of-
purchase) must be submitted with the defective unit to constitute a valid in-
warranty claim.
Units that fail after the warranty period has expired may be returned to the
factory for repair at a nominal charge, if not damaged beyond the point of
repair. All freight charges for out-of-warranty returns for repair are the respon-
sibility of the customer. Units returned for repair must have a Return Authori-
zation Number assigned by DirectConnect
This is a limited warranty and is not applicable for products which, in our opin-
ion, have been damaged, altered, abused, misused, or improperly installed.
makes no other warranties either expressed or implied, includ-
ing limitation warranties as to merchantability or fitness for a particular pur-
pose. Additionally, there are no allowances or credits available for service work
or installation performed in the field by the end user.
Houston, TX 77027
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