Simple solutions for great results
SystemRoMedic™ is the name of Direct Healthcare Group’s unique easy transfer concept, the market’s widest and
most comprehensive range of clever, easy-to-use and safe transfer and lifting aids designed to make life easier, both for
the user and for the caregiver. SystemRoMedic™ is a complete solution that provides for the majority of patient transfer
or manual handling requirements. From the simplest to the most complex scenarios, from the lightest to the heaviest.
The concept encompasses assistive devices for four different categories of transfers:
• Transfer, assistive devices for manual transfers of users between two locations.
• Positioning, assistive devices for manual repositioning of users within the same location.
• Support, assistive devices for mobility support e.g., during sit-to-stand or gait training.
• Lifting, assistive devices for manual and mechanical lifting of users.
Improved work environment, improved quality of care and cost savings
The philosophy behind SystemRoMedic™ is focused on the prevention and reduction of occupational injuries while
allowing users to experience a greater sense of independence and dignity. Through a unique combination of training and
a complete range of efficient transfer aids, SystemRoMedic™ offers improvement of both work environment and quality
of care and, at the same time, achieves significant cost savings.
Always make sure that you have the correct version of the manual
The most recent version of all manuals are available for downloading at/from our website;
For questions about the product and its use
Please contact your local Direct Healthcare Group and SystemRoMedic™ representative. A complete list of all our
partners with their contact details can be found on our website; www.directhealthcaregroup.com.
Direct Healthcare Group is quality and environmentcertified
in accordance with ISO 9001, ISO 13485 and ISO 14001.
Direct Healthcare Group Sverige AB
Torshamnsgatan 35,
SE-164 40 Kista, Sweden
Tel: +46 (0)8-557 62 200
[email protected]