DAG3000-112S VoIP Gateway User Manual
(), but only one can be selected.
Separated expressions or DTMF symbols.
Two digits separated by hyphen (-) which matches any digit between a
including the two.
Matches any digit of 0 to 9
Matches 0 or more times of the preceding element
Matches 0 or 1 times of the preceding element
(13 | 15 | 18)xxxxxxxxx
Matches the phone numbers with stating digits as 13, 15 or 18 and the
left nine digits as any of 0 to 9.
Feature Codes
Please make reference to 2.7 Description of Feature Codes and the following table.
Inquiry LAN port IP address
Dial*158# to obtain device’
s LAN port IP address
Inquiry Phone Number
Dial*114# to obtain port account
Inquiry PortGroup Number
Dial *115# to obtain port group number
Setting IP Mode
*150*0#, means pppmodem, *150*1#, means static IP, *150*2#,
means obtain IP address by DHCP, *150*3#, means pppoe.
Network Work Mode
*157*0#, set network work mode to routing mode; *157*1#, set
network work mode to bridge mode
Configure IP Address
*152*+IP, set gateway IP address
Network subnet mask configure
*153*+subnet mask, set gateway subnet mask
Network Gateway Configure
*156*+gateway IP, set gateway
Renew DHCP
*193#, set dynamic IP again
Reset Basic Configuration
Dial *165*000000# to restore default username/password and network