Do not bend your wrist while working.
Make sure that your workspace is set up properly. Keep the material that you
use most close to you. If you need any documents while typing, keep them
close to the monitor to prevent having to turn your head.
Optimal mouse position - sit back in your chair, relax your arms and lift your
mouse hand up, bending at the elbow, until your hand is just above elbow
level. The mouse should be positioned somewhere around this point. Don not
use the mouse by stretching to the desk or out to the side of a keyboard. With a
flat mouse platform, position this 1-2" above the keyboard and over the
numeric keyboard if you are right handed - you can easily move it out of the
way if you need to access these keys.
Vary the movement of Inspector; do not use Inspector for long periods of
repetitious motion. Vary your working routines; take frequent short breaks.
Use your breaks to stretch, massage or just relax. Stretching helps reduce
muscle tension. Generally you should not stretch if it hurts. If you already
suffer from RSI, some exercises can be harmful. Seek professional help.
Keep warm while working.
Cold tendons and muscles are more liable to get
Hold the mouse loosely and remove your hand from it when the mouse is not
in use.
Due to the technology used Inspector does not require any specific maintenance.
Inspector is very reliable as it is based purely on optical technology. However, it
should be handled with care to extend its operational lifetime.
If there is a little dust or dirt, which makes the 3D ball move unevenly, or if the
sensors seem to read poorly, you can clean the system by following the instructions
written below.
1. Pull the USB cable out of the computer or HUB.
2. Remove the ball from the mouse.
3. Clean the ball with a clean cloth.
4. If necessary, clean the lenses for dust or dirt with a cotton stick.
5. Place the ball back in the mouse.
6. Connect Inspector to the computer.
If the screen Pointer seems to not move properly and it is not due to surface texture,
please refer to the section
for information on surfaces. It might be
caused by dust or dirt on the lens for 2D reading. To clean the lens for the 2D reading
device, follow the instructions written below:
1. Pull the USB cable out of the computer or HUB.
2. Turn Inspector around so that the base is pointing upwards.