The Accumulate data while in sleep mode refers to the sleep/wakeup functionality. If
the option is selected while the sleep/wakeup functionality is enabled, motions of the
orientation ball is collected even though the ball is asleep. If the motion is great
enough to wake up the ball the collected previous motion is released.
Special Button Mode
To optimize the work situation in 3D applications you can configure the side buttons
to handle Pan and Zoom. If you set up a button to handle i.e. panning, you can pan the
model by pressing the appropriate button. Note: setting a button to a special mode
disables the button functionality set up on the Inspector tab.
Guidelines for the Work Environment
Inspector is constructed to ensure you the most flexible working conditions possible.
This means that there are no specific guidelines for using Inspector. Inspector should
be used in the way that suits you best. For instance you might feel more comfortable
rotating the 3D orientation ball with the thumb while your hand is resting on
Inspector. Or you might feel more comfortable rotating the orientation ball by lifting
your hand from Inspector and rotating the ball with several fingers.
The use of a computer and its accessories involves the risk of computer related
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). So far there is no scientific answer to what causes the
injuries. The symptoms of RSI are listed below:
Tightness, discomfort, stiffness, soreness or burning in the hands, wrists,
fingers, forearms or elbows.
Tingling, coldness or numbness in the hands.
Clumsiness or loss of strength and coordination in the hands.
Pain that wakes you up at night.
Need to massage your hands, wrists and arms.
Pain in the upper back, shoulders or neck associated with using the computer.
Do not ignore any warning signs; immediately seek professional help.
To decrease the risk of injury and to maximize your comfort while working you
should follow the ergonomic guidelines listed below.
Inspector is designed symmetrically so it can be used with either hand. From
time to time you should change your working hand and thereby avoid
discomfort by sharing the workload on both hands.
As the first device ever, Inspector offers you the option to change between the
mouse and the trackball as a 2D input device. Using this feature can vary your
work situation even more and have significant importance for your comfort.
Stay relaxed when working. Avoid all kinds of stressful work situations since
stress has a tendency to tense your muscles and provoke injuries.