Model: db BioLock, db ELock, db iCardLock
Digitus Biometrics, Inc. 2014
Page 7 of 11
Securing the Door Lock - Step 4
Secure the lock to the door using the top mounting bracket and bottom mounting bracket as show in Figure 7a. Do
not over-tighten the screws in the bottom mounting bracket as this may jam the lock mechanism.
For the db BioLock, connect the 8” cable from the back of the lock to the Door Interface Box.
The cable will only
plug in one way.
Page 3 of this document describes how to determine which pawl you will need, depending on the make and model
of cabinet.
Pay particular attention to the rotation limiter. This is installed as shown depending on whether you have a right on
left hand opening door.
Rotation Limiter
Figure 7
Note. Do not use an electric screwdriver to tighten the screws.