Analog - Digital - Converter
Automationsanlagen GmbH
6. Configuration
6.1. Change the input - signal level
The analog inputs' signal level can be changed by solding bridges on the solder side of the
AWA/2X12B's printed circuit board.
The following input signals can be set: "0-20mA", "-10V - +10V" or "0 - +10V".
The adjusted signal level is marked for every input by with a cross on the metal cap.
To change the input level, detach all cable connections from the device.,
remove the device from the switch chest, open the floor part at the devices
side using a screwdriver and pull the printed circuit board out of the floor
part. On the solding side of the printed circuit board are to solding bridges
for signal input 1 and 2 which are called SJ1 to SJ4 in the drawing. Via SJ1
and SJ" the signal level for input 1 and via SJ3 to SJ4 for input 2 are set.
Having adjusted the desired signal level, the input switching has to be
equalized anew. See also chapter "6.3. Calibration" on page 8.
6.1.1. Solding bridge SJ1
To switch the 1st analog input from unipolar (0V - 10V) to the bipolar (-10V
- +10V) voltage measuring the solding bridge SJ1 has to be closed. This solding bridge may only be
closed, if the solding bridge SJ2 is open.
6.1.2. Solding bridge SJ2
To switch the 1st analog input from voltage - to currency input, the solding bridge SJ2 has to be closed.
6.1.3. Solding bridge SJ3
To switch the 2nd analog input from voltage - to currency input, the solding bridge SJ3 has to be
6.1.4. Solding bridge SJ4
To switch the 2nd analog input from unipolar (0V - 10V) to the bipolar (-10V - +10V) voltage measuring
the solding bridge SJ4 has to be closed. This solding bridge may only be closed, if the solding bridge
SJ3 is open.
6.2. Reference voltage supply
Two intern voltages (+4.096 and +5V) are avaible, an external voltage source may be
enabled by switching them both of. The choice is made via a jumper ledge on the
component side of the printed circuit board. To change the reference voltage, remove
the cap by unscrewing the four cap nuts and choose your voltage source at jumper
Bridge at 1+2
= +5V
Ref. voltage from the operating voltage.
Bridge at 2+3
= +4.096V
Ref. voltage by precission voltage controller
Bridge open
= external
Ref. voltage external by at least +1V to a maximum of +5V.
If the source of reference voltage is changed, the input switching has to be equilibrated
anew. (see also chapter "6.3. Calibration").
Edition: Jun. 17
Page: 7