© 2017 Digitrax, Inc.
4.6 General Return (GR) Terminal
The terminal marked General Return(GR) provides a primary current return
between boosters and other devices, electrical safety features, and a RF ground
reference. This is also the connection point that should be used for the nega-
tive(-) connection from a shared power supply. See section 3.0 regarding pow-
ering your DB210/220 This should be the ONLY point of any DB210/DB220
installation that is connected to the AC safety ground pin provided on most 3
pin 110V AC power sockets. Grounding the system is a sensible optional safe-
ty precaution.
4.7 Rail B (RB) and Rail A (RA) or Rail 1B (R1B) and Rail
1A(R1A) Terminals
Depending on if you have a DB220 or DB210 these terminals will be labeled
either R1B or RB and R1A or RA. Connect these terminals to the track sec-
tions powered by the DB210/DB220. If you are using more than one booster,
be sure to use double gaps between each booster section and always connect
the same rail to the same terminal on each booster. For example connect all
Rail A terminals to the right rail and all Rail B terminals to the left rail or vice
versa on all track sections.
4.8 Track Status(TRK STAT) or Track 1 Status(TRK 1 STAT)
Depending on if you have a DB220 or DB210 this indicator will be labeled
either TRK STAT and TRK 1 STAT. The
indicator shows
that there is voltage on
RA or R1A
RB or R1A
terminals. The indicator will
be lit when there is track voltage, and not lit when track voltage is off. The
indicator will change color indicating various degrees of “Zero Stretching” if
used to operate a conventional (analog) locomotive.
4.9 LOCONET Jacks A, B and C
These jacks let you expand your Digitrax system by simply plugging LocoNet
devices in to the system. They can be used for throttles and other LocoNet
devices. These jacks are functionally the same and can be used interchange-
4.10 SCALE Switch (O/G, N, HO)
This switch sets the nominal track voltage.
4.10.1 DB210/DB220 Voltage Trim Settings.
The DB210/DB220 is capable of custom voltage output ranging from approxi-
mately 8v to 24v with a suitable power supply. Each of the 3 scale settings can
be trimmed to a custom voltage setting.