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The image opposite shows how the
AIS targets are shown on our free
iAIS app for Apple iOS devices.
Our AIS WI-FI GATEWAY supports
TCP or UDP connections and the
settings that need to be entered on
the App are;
IP Address =
Port = 2000
Normal Operation
The AIS WI-FI GATEWAY consumes around 0.1 Amp and can be left on
whenever the boat is sailing. Whenever NMEA data is received by the AIS
WI-FI GATEWAY, the yellow data LED will flash. In some systems with lots
of NMEA data, it is not unusual for the yellow LED to be constantly
Should you have a problem connecting wirelessly to AIS WI-FI GATEWAY,
press and hold the Reset button for 1-2 seconds and try connecting
again. In busy marinas where there is significant wireless activity, it may
not be possible for a reliable connection to be made to AIS WI-FI
GATEWAY, but once underway (at sea) a strong and reliable connection
will be achieved.