Installation Step 4
Interfacing (NMEA)
The AIS WI-FI GATEWAY allows AIS data to be taken from an AIS
receiver or transponder and be wirelessly transmitted to a suitable
app running on a wireless mobile device such as a smart phone,
tablet or laptop.
AIS WI-FI GATEWAY operates at 38400 baud, the high speed data
rate for AIS equipment.
All NMEA0183 data received, not just AIS data, is converted to
Wireless NMEA0183 data and so you can connect the AIS WI-FI
GATEWAY to the 38400 baud output of an NMEA Multiplexer.
Below is a typical connection diagram for connecting the AIS WI-FI
GATEWAY to a Digital Yacht AIS. The AIS output wires of Digital Yacht AIS
Units are always the ) and the Brown(-) and these should be
connected to the GATEWAY
’s ) and Green(
-) Input wires.
To connect the AIS Wi-Fi GATEWAY to 3rd Party AIS units, you will need
to find out which connections are the NMEA0183 High Speed AIS Output
and connect these to the ) and Green(-) Input wires of the
GATEWAY, as shown on the next page.