You can hide some parts of the screen for privacy masking. A total of 8 different privacy masking
zones are available.
- Select the zone number you want to setup.
- To enable it, turn the display option ON.
- H-POS: Move the Zone position Left or right. The higher the
number, the zone will move to the right.
- V-POS: Move the Zone posi ion up or down. The higher the
number, the zone will move down.
- H-Size: Reset the zone‘s size horizontally. The higher the
number, the right side panel will move further to the right.
- V-Size: Reset the zone’s size vertically. The higher the number,
the bottom side panel will move further down.
To adjust the mask’s color, use he Y, CR, and CB Levels:
- Y Level- The higher the number, the brighter the color will appear.
- CR Level- The higher the number, the more red tone will be added to the zone’s color.
The lower the number, the more green will be added to the zone’s color.
- CB Level- High CB Level + High CR Level = Red
High CB Level + Low CR Level = Blue
Low CB Level + High CR Level = Orange