Select to enable or disable the camera’s motion detection, and select
which conditions will trigger the alarm from the following options:
- Shaking (ON / OFF): “Camera Moving!!” will appear if the camera is
shaken abruptly.
- Shaking Scale (0 ~ 20): The lower the number, the more sensitive the
camera will be to shocks or vibrations.
- Bright Change (ON / OFF): “Birght Change!!” will appear if the brighness
in the scene changes suddenly and drstically.
- Bright Scale (0 ~20): The lower the number, the more sensitive the
camera is to brightness changes in the scene.
The camera can automa ically digitally zoom in when mo ion is detected.
In he submenu, setup he following:
- MOVING: Set the camera’s movement speed. 30/60 (0.5 Second) is the default
speed. Max speed: 240/60 (4 Seconds).
- ZOOM IN: Set the camera’s zooming speed. 30/60 (0 5 Second) is he default
speed. Max speed: 240/60 (4 Seconds).
- STAND BY: Setup the dwell time for the camera to remain zoomed in. 30/60
(0 5 Second) is he default speed. Max speed: 240/60 (4 Seconds).
- SYNCHRONOUS: Set by default. Should not be changed.
- TRACKING: The camera keeps tracking the moving area and operates Zoom In/Out
- REPEAT: The camera will continue to zoom into mo ion as it detects it in different parts of the camera’s view.
The camera can detect he movement and display an alarm on the screen when movement is detected.