Digital Snitch Wireless Camera Interceptor pro
three rows of red LED lights, which indicate the band of frequency
being scanned. When this device detects a wireless camera
s i g n a l , t h e c o r r e s p o n d ending " Band indication" (yellow LED)
will light up and the screen will show the image
There are 3 sets of "Image lock and indication" on the right side
of the screen. Below the screen you will notice 3 rows of red LED
lights, which indicate the band frequency being scanned.
Press the "Scan / Stop" button of
the correspondent band once to
select the image and the red Lock
LED will light up. The scanning
indication (red LED row) of the
locked band will stop moving, but
the scanning indication (red LED
row) of other unlocked bands will continue to move indicating that
those bands are still being scanned. The Band indication (yellow
LED) will stay at the locked band and the screen will show the
image of lock band.
The Video system indication (green
LED) will light up at NTSC or PAL
/SECAM to indicate the detected
signal is NTSC or PAL /SECAM.
*NTSC is standard for US users
and PAL is for European users.
If the wireless c camera is sending