Step Four: Verify DLA Hardware
Locate Heartbeat
374 Congress Street, Suite 600
Boston, MA USA 02210
+1 (617) 723-1200
All Rights Reserved © 2010-2015
Digital Lumens Incorporated
Subject to change without notice.
DOC-000390-00 Rev A 10-15
Once the fully installed DLA unit, including adapter and sensor, is powered ON, you can verify that the equipment is receiving
power by locating the DLA heartbeat. Look at the sensor lens: Every 30 seconds, you should see a blinking red LED indicator.
Note that until the DLA unit is programmed using Commissioner software, the DLA unit will use the following settings, which
effectively tell the connected light fixture(s) to remain ON at 100%, with no occupancy sensing:
• Active Light Level: 100%
• Inactive Light Level: 100%
• Occupancy Sensor Delay: Sensor Inactive
Heartbeat Indicator
Step Three: Update the Sticker Book
• Each DLA comes with an extra metallic serial number label.
• It is critical that you adhere the label to the sticker book, which represents the facility’s
floor plan. Place the label in the box that corresponds to the relative location of the DLA
within the facility.
• Note that without an accurate and complete sticker book, the facility’s lighting management
software cannot be programmed and the installation process may be delayed.
• The project manager will provide access to the sticker book.
Blank page from a sticker book
created using a CAD program