Module Installation
Module Installation
The installation of a PBXGB–AA/CA graphics option module can
be accomplished in a few easy-to-do steps. Each step presumes
that you are familiar with your hardware platform. For specific
information regarding your hardware platform, refer to your
system documentation.
Turn off the system and any external devices. Disconnect
any external devices and cables, and unplug the power cord
from the wall outlet.
Remove the system unit cover, and unscrew and remove
the metal filler plate that may be present for the PCI slot
that you have selected. Save the screw that secured the
metal filler plate; you will need this screw later to secure the
adapter to the enclosure.
Set the frequency switch using the video timing values in
Table 5 as reference. Skip this step on Microsoft Windows
NT systems.
To avoid damage to the module from static discharge,
wear the antistatic wriststrap (part number
12–36175–01) when handling the module. Instructions
for use are on the strap’s envelope.