DIGITAL Server 9100 Series User's Guide
Chapter 3
System Security
This chapter discusses the following security features:
Cabinet security features
BIOS and configuration utility security features
Terms, Conventions, and Related Documents
Refer to the “Preface” of this document for important information on how to use this book, terms and
conventions, and related documents.
When used in this chapter, the term “configuration utility” refers to the System Configuration Utility
(SCU). The “Configuring Your Server” section of Chapter 3 of the DIGITAL Server 9100 Series System
Software Guide discusses how to use the SCU in detail. The BIOS Setup Utility is discussed in Chapter 4
of the DIGITAL Server 9100 Series System Software Guide.
Cabinet Security Features
The following table shows the server cabinet mechanical security features:
Security Feature
Metal padlock loops
There is a padlock loop at the back of each side panel to enable you to
lock the side covers. The top cover cannot be removed until the side
covers have been removed.
Intrusion alarm switches
Intrusion alarm switches are located on each side panel. If someone
removes the side cover, an interlock switch sends a signal to the system
board and the server shuts off the power supplies.