2.4 Connecting DPU and PDA
Figure 2–8 DPU Card Cage
1. Loosen the two nuts on both U-brackets until you can move them enough to
feed the interface cables through.
2. Feed the cables under the U-brackets and through the cutouts.
3. Connect the cable connector marked JC or control to the upper connector on
the VME 6U interface PCB.
4. Connect the cable connector marked JD or data to the lower connector on the
VME 6U interface PCB.
5. Tighten the nuts until the U-brackets hold the cables firmly.
6. Insert the Parallel VME 6U Adapter PCB into DPU backplane slot IO04
(Figure 2–10). It will work in any of the DPU I/O slots, but slot IO04 is
reserved specifically for this PCB. Slot IO00, the one next to the array control
unit (ACU), is reserved for the front-end VME interface (MVIB), and slot
IO08 is reserved for the PVME PCB.
2–12 Parallel Disk Array Installation