Ergonomic Considerations
Ergonomic Considerations
This section describes how to adjust your posture and position
the components of the system for optimum comfort when you are
using it.
Figure 2–1 shows the optimal positioning for the system
components, desk, and chair relative to your posture. Table 2–3
explains the figure.
Table 2–3 Positioning the System Components
Adjust the chair so that
Your feet are flat on the floor—use a foot rest if
Your legs form a right angle at the knee.
The backs of your knees are free from the seat pan.
You are sitting upright, with support for your lower
Adjust the screen and keyboard so that
Your wrists are straight and supported. The keyboard,
and mouse (if installed) should be at elbow height.
Your elbows are close to your sides, with your upper
arms perpendicular to the floor.
Your neck is in a neutral posture, with the top of the
screen no higher than eye level.
Adjust the lighting and screen so that
The light is directed away from the screen to reduce
glare. Use the tilt and swivel capabilities of the
monitor or terminal to adjust it for your comfort.
The screen is at the correct distance for your eyesight.
2–4 Using the System