SmartSource Elite Series - Installation & Operations Guide
January 2017
8227 4907-003
Page 29 of 32
Problem Topic
Possible Cause
Corrective Action
Frequent Jams or
Items do not feed
Multiple causes
See “Feeder” conditions below
Items feed into the
track but then stop
suddenly and have
leading edge damage
Debris/obstruction in
paper path
Examine paper path to locate small bits of paper,
tape, staples, etc. Remove debris gently using the
spatula tool.
Item stops in curved
portion of track
Item is too thick or too
Card stock, envelopes, carriers will not travel
correctly if they are too thick or too stiff.
False Double
Document stops
Unusual dark marks,
borders, or bands on
Try running document upside down (image can be
“flipped” later in process)
Items do not feed
Feeder motor runs but
one or both feeder
rollers don’t turn
(possible bad clutch
within the roller)
Interchange the two feeder rollers, replace one or
both if problem follows roller or persists
Feeder motor runs and
feeder rollers turn but
items will not move out
of the feeder
Feeder roller tires or the documents are worn or
soiled. Clean / replace the tires and retry. Ensure
documents do not have a glossy coating.
Feeder motor runs but
orange document belt
is not moving
Examine belt path to ensure belt has not come off
of a roller or is jammed by debris. Return for
service if belt is broken or cannot be moved by
Feeder motor does not
Verify no documents or debris in track
Digital Check
-branded Endorser Cartridge is
installed. Error messages indicating “Wrong
Cartridge Type” (or similar) are a clue. Unit will
not feed if non-
Digital Check
cartridge is installed.
Verify endorser cartridge is firmly seated. Unit
won’t feed if cartridge is not making good contact
in its housing.
If problem exists using other applications the unit
requires repair
More than one
document is fed
(doubles, multiple
Inadequate work
Ensure work is properly jogged, aligned, and
loaded correctly in the feeder
Ensure leading edge corners are not bent, curled,
or torn off
Worn separator
Rotate or replace blue separator.
Items skew as they are
Inadequate work
Ensure work is properly jogged, aligned, and
loaded correctly in the feeder
Worn separator tire
Rotate or replace blue separator tire
False “Hopper Empty”
Items not properly
loaded in feeder
Items should be jogged then loaded into feeder
hopper with leading edge of deck touching front
feeder wall
Dirty hopper sensor
Clean the hopper sensor
Defective hopper
Return unit for service
Flow will not restart
after a jam
Application is not
checking to ensure its
messages are being
accepted by the
SmartSource Elite
Refer problem to application provider
Application does not
send “stop flow” then
“start flow” for each
start command
Refer problem to application provider