Quick Start Guide
| 18
Rev: R10122022
The Automatic Random Required Weekly Test Generator allows the device to create an alert that is active and
aired at random times within a preset time window. Using this feature, you can set a specific set of days and a
specific block of time to send this alert. To enable this feature, go to
Setup > Station > Main
and find the
‘Automatic Random Weekly Test Generation’ check box (
shown in red
) check to enable. Below this check box
is the day and timeslot selection options. Select the settings needed (
shown in purple
) & (
shown in
Note: Be sure to Accept Time Changes otherwise the inputted settings will not take affect (Indicated by the exclamation
The randomly generated RWT appears at the top of the Alert Events > All Events page when generated,
highlighted in yellow, showing the time the alert is good for and the date and time it will air.