DG-SR2004 User Manual
Username: Input the login user name of IP camera.
Password: Input the login password of IP camera.
Model: Select the desired model number of IP camera.
HTTP port: Input the HTTP (web) port of IP camera. By default this
setting should be ‘80’, if you changed the web port setting on IP camera,
input correct web port number here.
RTSP port: Input the RTSP (Real Time Streaming Protocol) port of IP
camera. By default this setting should be ‘554’, if you changed the RTSP
port setting on IP camera, input correct RTSP port number here.
Stream source: There are two options: Stream from Network camera and
Stream from server. By default Stream from Network camera is enabled.
When this option is selected, then the video stream from the camera uses
RTSP protocol using the above mentioned RTSP port. When Stream from
server option is enabled, then the camera uses HTTP protocol to stream
video using the above HTTP port.
Click ‘Apply’ to add a new IP camera with above settings, or click ‘Back’
to discard all settings and go back.
You can modify the settings of an existing IP camera in the Camera list.
Please click the number of camera you wish to modify setting first:
Then click ‘Edit’ button to show the setting page of selected camera. You
can change settings and click ‘Apply’ to apply new settings.
You can delete an existing IP camera in Camera list. Please click the
number of camera you wish to delete first: