C o lo u r T h e m e 3 - T u n e a b le Wh i te DM X C o n tro lle r
U s e r M a n u a l
5 .2 - 3 No v e m b e r 2 0 1 6
P a g e 6 o f 8
S erial Commands
This mode provides a simple method to control the Colour Theme Controller via a PC (or any
device in which the serial data output can be formatted correctly, which includes a number of
home automation/lighting control systems.). If echo is enabled, characters sent will be echoed
back, unless an incorrect character is detected (i.e. not a number), in which case all characters
will be ignored until the carriage return character is detected.
The command to set the currently running show is simply a 1 to 3 digit number (transmitted in
ASCII). The Colour Theme Controller interprets this value as the desired colour temperature as it
would be shown on the display (minus the decimal point), and sets the output to this value, or
the closest level below this value that it can achieve.
The command to dim is the ‘
‘ character followed by a number in the range of 0 to 20 (in ASCII).
Each value represents a 5% step in the dim level, with 0 being off and 20 being 100%. A dim
command can directly follow a show command. Refer to
Appendix B. Serial Command Examples
for further explanation.