I/O Explorer™ USB Reference Manual
Copyright Digilent, Inc. All rights reserved.
Other product and company names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Similarly, the filenames for the firmware image files for the secondary microcontroller are of the form:
AvrFw_210174_0101_XXXX.hex and AvrFw_210174_0101_XXXX.eep, where “XXXX” represents the version
In order to completely restore the board to the correct state for use as a Digilent Adept Compatible USB device it is
necessary to restore the device serial number after programming the firmware and EEPROM images into the
primary microcontroller. This is accomplished using the AdeptUtil program that is contained in the Adept
Command Line Utilities. These utility programs are installed when the Adept Runtime System software is installed.
The correct device serial number is: “210174nnnnnnnn”, where “nnnnnnnn” is the last six digits of the bar code
label attached to the bottom of the board. After reprogramming the firmware onto the primary microcontroller,
attach the board to a USB port on the PC, turn it on, and then use the AdeptUtil program to set the serial number.
The device user name will be the default name: “ioexp”.
12 Digilent Adept Port Summary
The following summarizes the ports accessible via the Digilent Adept SDK when using the I/O Explorer as a USB
peripheral device using the standard firmware.
Pin Input/Output Interface (DPIO) Ports
Port 0
8 Bits IN/OUT
Pmod connector JA1-JA4, JA7-JA10
Port 1
8 Bits IN/OUT
Pmod connector JB1-JB4, JB7-JB10
Port 2
8 Bits IN/OUT
Pmod connector JC1-JC4, JC7-JC10
Port 3
8 Bits IN/OUT
Pmod connector JD1-JD4, JC7-JC10
Port 4
4 Bits IN/OUT
Pmod connector JE1-JE4
Port 5
4 Bits IN/OUT
Pmod connector JE7-JE10
Port 6
8 Bits IN/OUT
Servo connectors S1-S8
Port 7
4 Bits IN/OUT
Pmod connector JG1-JG4