© Diebold Election Systems, Inc. 2002 AccuVote-OS Hardware Guide
2. AccuVote-OS
The AccuVote-OS ballot-processing unit is used to count ballots and tally the results either onto a
card or dynamically update the GEMS database the host computer in the case of central
. Polling machines may send results to the host computer either by means of a direct serial
connection or by modem.
The AccuVote-OS measures 14” by 16” by 3” and weighs 15 lbs. AccuVote-OS instructions and
messages are displayed on a 2 by 16 character LCD. The thread of processing is established
using the Yes and No buttons located underneath the LCD. Memory card labels, Zero Total,
Election Results, and Audit reports are printed on the AccuVote-OS printer.
The AccuVote-OS ballot card reader is currently designed to process ballots using visible light
sensors - earlier versions of the AccuVote-OS use infrared light emitting diodes to read ballots.
The visible light card reader consists of two sets of printed circuit boards for reading both sides of
the ballot card.
The AccuVote-OS accepts 8½” by 11”, 14”, 17, or 18” ballots, in any one of four orientations.
Detailed specifications regarding weight, dimensions, color, tolerances, positioning of control
marks, etc. is included in the
Ballot Specifications Guide
2.1. Product
Hardware used in conjunction with the AccuVote-OS may include:
GEMS host computer
Optional port expansion device (i.e. a DigiBoard), attached to the host computer
Optionally, intelligent port server for port expansion functionality
One modem for each serial port being used for modem transmission
Cabling necessary for memory card programming and election results transmission
Power cabling necessary for AccuVote-OS units, modems and any other electronic
Ballot box for each AccuVote-OS unit
One or more AccuFeeds for processing large volumes of absentee or mail-in ballots
Control cards, including AccuVote Ender cards and Diagnostic ballots, and optionally
Absentee Count cards and Precinct Header cards
Ballot box and AccuVote-OS keys
2.2. Looking at the AccuVote-OS
Figure 2-1
provides a detailed, exterior view of the AccuVote-OS ballot-processing unit.