The selection of the correct wire-temperature-coefficient is very important for the
correct operation of the mod, when temperature controlled vaping is selected.
As soon as TC-mode is selected, a multiple choice list of commonly used wires types
with predefined coefficients is displayed and the wire type “Other”.
Power Limit defines the adjustment range of the power in the main menu. As stated
in the main menu already, the limit value sets the roll-over or stop point of the menu
“Power”. The power limitation makes sense especially in the power vaping mode to
All dicodes devices have a functionality to adjust the minimum discharge level of the
battery between 2.5V and 3.0V (older models 3.5V). Almost all available batteries on
the market specify the minmum discharge level of 2.5V to 2.7V. If the user is unsure
whether her/his specific battery meets this specification, the level should be set to 2.7V.
In the following paragraphs, explanations are given for those parameters and items, which are not self
explanatory or which have inter-dependencies with other parameters or functions.
06 Extended Functions Menu
Additional Explanation to several menu items, page 1
The coefficient of this “Other” wire is adjusted in this menu item. Note that stainless steel wires and also
titanium wires often have not well defined coefficients, depending on their exact alloy composition.
The TCoef item in the menu is visible, even if the operation mode is not selected to temperature
controlled vaping.
The selected voltage is the
voltage at the electronics
input, when current is
drained from the battery
(Ub,L). In contrast to other
available tube- and box-
mods on the market, which
stop operation already at
3.4V, the lower discharge
level on dicodes mods
lead to a better battery
At 0.7V a power reduction is activated depending on the actual power setting. The reduction
starts when the power selected hits the slope from Ubat,min@10W to Ubat,min+0.7V@80W as show
in the diagram above.
The time to automatic power off of the mod can be selected between 1 minute up to
60 minutes. We recommend to choose 1 or 2 minutes, because the mod is always
immediately on and ready to vape, when the fire button is pressed. This provides
the best utilization of the battery. When off, the device draws zero current from the
Note that if the mod was actively switched off by the user (5 times fast clicking of the fire button), the
instant power on is not available. In this case the mod has to be switched on with 5 clicks first.
reduce the range to the used atomizer.