Document Title:
Remote Tomo5 operation guide for eBIC microscopes
Kyle Morris
Julika Radecke
Andrew Howe
27 Jun 2022
If you have any questions at any point during set-up, please ask your Local Contact for assistance Page 25 of 29
5.1.2 Beam centring
Switch to the TEM user interface (TUI)
Insert the flu screen
Load the TEM Control Pads Simulator
Press the Eucentric Focus button
Inspect if the beam is centred
Recentre if necessary, as follows:
Select “Tomo Beam Shift” in the Direct Alignments
Use the Multifunction X/Y on the simulator pads
Adjust the beam to centre on the camera
Click “Done” on the Direct Alignment panel
5.1.1 Objective aperture
Insert the 100 µm objective aperture
Check the beam centring
Direct alignments > Beam shift > Multifunction X-Y
Repeat the Autostigmate Auto Function on a carbon area
Auto Functions > Auto-Functions (TEM) > Autostigmate > Start
Presets: Thon Ring for Autostigmate
5.1.2 Zero-loss peak
Check the ZLP
Double check you are on carbon to check ZLP centring is successful with the current
Preset parameters set in 3.1.4
Note whether the ZLP preset uses a larger spot size (lower number) than
DataAcquisition or the ZLP may fail.
Exposure > Auto Function > Auto-Functions (TEM) > Auto Zero Loss > Start
The zero-loss peak can also be centred using the option in the Auto Functions tab. It is recommended to run this
routine before starting the data collection if you are using the energy selecting slit. Note that during data collection,
if using, the ZLP alignment is performed on the autofocus area.
Eucentric Focus
Multifunction X/Y