An additional temperature monitoring circuit protects the D7 amplifier
under extreme high power or extreme high-ambient temperature conditions.
As the heat sink temperature reaches 185 degrees Fahrenheit, this circuit
gradually turns down the high-current rail voltages, reducing the amplifier
power dissipation. This circuit only effects the high current stage of the power
supply; the operation of the sensitive low current audio circuits remain
unchanged. Only the maximum output power is affected, and only until the
heat sink cools down. Under no conditions will the D7 Series amplifiers have to
shut off completely.
If a problem arises, refer to the troubleshooting section (page 15) or call the
Diamond Audio Technical Department at (480) 813-6205 for assistance.
The battery in your car is a chemical storage device for electrical energy
generated by the alternator. It is capable of briefly supplying high currents for
cold starting the vehicle as well as powering other important electrical loads
either partially or entirely for a limited period when the engine is off.
In order to supply the power required for ignition, lighting, large audio
systems etc. a car needs its own efficient, reliable, and constantly available
source of energy. When the engine is stopped, the battery is the vehicle’s
energy source. When the engine is running, the alternator is the on-board
“electricity generating plant.” It is the job of the alternator to supply power to
all current-consuming loads (including the audio system).
Alternator output, battery capacity, and power demand of all electrical loads
and systems must be matched as ideally as possible so the entire system is
reliable and trouble-free in operation.
In the most basic of terms, this means that car audio is gasoline powered.
Extra batteries are primarily for the extended operation of your audio system
when the engine is off or for SPL competitions where high sound pressure
levels are generated for short periods of time and large battery racks are
needed to provide the necessary current demanded by the many amps used.
D7 Professional Reference Series Amplifiers
are capable of reproducing “concert
level” volumes with incredible accuracy. Care must be taken to ensure that your
vehicle is capable of supplying the voltage and current required by such a
Note: If you are installing multiple amplifiers, add up the total current draw for
all of them and choose the appropriate gauge based on the grand total.
Amplifier 1: D7054 (driven at 4 ohms) =
33 amps
Amplifier 2: D7152 (driven at 4 ohms) =
50 amps
Amplifier 3: D7152 (driven at 4 ohms Bridged) = 100 amps
Grand Total = 183 amps
D7152 and D7402 manual #135.p65
8/30/2002, 2:28 PM