You can adjust the amount of water provided by each of
the Diamo One’s buttons if your cups are larger or smaller
than the default setting. See the table below for default,
minimum, and maximum amounts. Continue reading to
learn how to change those settings.
The Americano setting is determined by how you set
the Single (Espresso) amounts. The formula is
(1.6 x Espresso Settings) + (1.6 x Espresso Settings).
Lastly, when changing settings, we strongly
recommend that you do not do so with a coffee pod in
place. Just run straight water so there is no waste.
Changing the amount for Single (Espresso):
Power on the Diamo One and wait for it to pre-heat
as normal.
When pre-heating is finished
(Power LED is green), press and
HOLD the Single (Espresso) button.
Turning Off
To power off your Diamo One, press the Power
button, then release. The Power button should go dark.
Changing the Amount Brewed per Cup
Default Amount
Minimum Amount
Maximum Amount
Single (Espresso)
1.5 oz. (45 mL)
1 oz. (30 mL)
2 oz. (60 mL)
Double (Lungo)
3.7 oz. (110 mL)
2 oz. (60 mL)
10.1 oz. (300 mL)
4.9 oz. (144 mL)
3.2 oz. (96 mL)
6.5 oz. (192 mL)