Before You Start
With computer ready and running. Click [Flybook Control Center]
icon in taskbar area. A menu pops up. Click [Flybook Help] in the
pop-up menu to open Flybook Online Help.
Help and Support Center of Windows XP
: Helps to use and troubleshoot
Windows XP operating system and your computer.
With computer ready and running. Click [Start] in taskbar and then
[Help and Support] to open Help and Support Center of Window XP.
Online-help of built-in utilities
: Helps to use and troubleshoot built-in utilities.
In general, you can find help entries in the menu bar of utility. Click the entries
to open help windows and view information.
Service Website
The service websites always keep the latest information. Visit the sites for helpful
information or link help entries or online-help. The service website of Flybook is
Local Service Center
Please consult Flybook’s service website to access worldwide service centers; for
Windows XP and others, get information from their warranty cards, help documents
or service websites.
How to Request Service
If the computer can not function properly, please contact service centers or
authorized resellers to request service.
how information or evidence stated on the warranty card to the service center when
request service. Also, provide the following information:
Steps already taken trying to resolve the problems.
Sufficient, free, and safe access rights for running your computer.
Dialogue Flybook V2/V3 Series User’s Guide